Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin for VP? What Has Happened To John McCain?

God help me, I'm starting to feel the urge to vote for McCain.

Well, OK, it's an urge to vote for Sarah Palin, and there might be some other urges in there, too. But McCain deserves to ride her coattails, 'cause McCain invited her to the party. It's like he's found The Good Hillary of the North.

Even Tamara approves.


  1. I've got urges for Sarah Palin, too.

  2. Seriously? She's a handsome woman and everything, but my biggest excitement comes from her positions on the issues, rather than, uh, other ones that she might have between my smutty ears.

  3. Uh, yeah, you know, me too. As well.

    I was just testing you guys. Matt passed.

  4. "Good Hilary of the North"

    See, that just funny right thar!

  5. You are so right, Jim. THAT bon mot should be a campaign ad for VPILF.(com)
