Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thanks, Joe!

Joe Allen saved me money and high blood-pressure last night, putting in a phone call to walk me through the process of fixing that audio bug after putting in a full day working for a client who, I can only assume, was probably actually paying him money. On New Year's Eve, that's pretty good service.

Thanks, Joe!

(I think it turned out in the end that I didn't have all of the old audio drivers gone--there was one I hadn't found, maybe from the old motherboard. Whatever it was, the drivers installed and the sound works, so I can listen to the Gun Nuts over on my sidebard again.)


  1. Glad I could help!

    You were already on the right track - just missed one little fragment of the old junk. Sometimes it takes someone who hasn't already spent all day dealing with the $#@! thing to lay fresh eyes on it, as it were.

    I'm lucky enough to make a living doing what I'd be doing anyway for free, so I'm always glad to help a friend when I can.

    Happy new year to you and your family!

  2. We watched a little Elmo on the PC with Sean today, which was worth it all by itself. We also got to pick up some software to start editing our home videos and putting them on DVD so my relatives can watch them.
    That was the whole point of building this machine in the first place!
    Thanks again.

    I hope you had some fun; my son and I went to the New Year's USPSA shoot today faced the dreaded Texas Star. Kane didn't shoot today, but one of his friends did . . . and expended 60 rounds of 9mm without finishing the star. Ouch.
