Friday, February 6, 2009

Just Some Blogger Calling for Illinois Concealed Carry . . . .

. . . . except that this blogger is an opinion columnist for the Chicago Tribune. Steve Chapman has never exactly been hostile to gun owners, but this is still a step forward.

Illinois should allow concealed handguns

If you're in a minority of 48 to 2 on an issue, you may be seeing truths that other people miss. Or you may be refusing to admit reality. In the case of Illinois' refusal to allow citizens to get permits to carry concealed handguns, it's the latter. It's the only state but Wisconsin that doesn't allow it. But there is a glimmer of hope of change: The Illinois Sheriffs' Association has endorsed a law to afford Illinoisans this type of protection.

Do I need to say "RTWT"? OK, then, go read the whole thing.

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