Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Overheard in a Minivan

Picking a fight with dad, Attempt the First:
"Dad, are you thinking about buying a motorcycle now that gas costs a lot?"

"Not really. It wouldn't be much use in the winter here, and that's when I have to drive the most. Maybe if we lived in Florida or south Texas."

"Mr. Johnson* has a cool green motorcycle. Why can't you be more like Mr. Bliss*?" (I don't know where that came from, either, folks, I'm just the scribe)

"Yesterday you told me you hated Mr. Bliss because he said that fight was your fault, remember? You don't like him anymore because he held you responsible for what you did."

"Well, I didn't really mean that!"

"Yeah, well, I figured you didn't really mean it, but you said it so you have to deal with it.. And if I act more like Mr. Bliss, I have to act less like myself, buddy. I'd rather be more like myself."

Picking a Fight With Dad, Attempt the Second:

"Dad, when you were a kid, did wish sometimes your friend's dad was your dad?"

"Uh, if I understood what you just said, then no. Why?"

"'Cause I do, a lot."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because, whenever he gets in trouble, his dad just comes in to the school and he always makes sure he gets him out of trouble."

"Yeah, well, I don't want to be teaching you right from wrong when you're 30, so I'm getting it out of the way now."

Picking a Fight With Dad, Attempt the Third and Final:
"You know, it's not fair that Donovan gets-"

"OK, now it's time for you to be quiet until we get home."


"That's not quiet. You are being the opposite of quiet."

". . . ."

*Not real names of Kane's schoolteachers. They've put up with enough for one year.


  1. Get the bike. I'm in MA, about the same riding season, and I'm about to pick up a second bike for commuting... A smallish bike (250 - 500cc) should get between 60 - 70 MPG, which even the most miserly of cars can't touch.

    And if you have a thick skin (and good gear) you can ride from mid-March to late November...

    (And, as a side note, I picked my son up at the bus stop last Friday on my Harley. He finally stopped talking about it yesterday - apparently it increases his cachet among his buds. Go figure...)

  2. Uh, yeah, but I don't want the motorcycle.

  3. Oh. That's different then.

    Never mind.

    {/Emily Latilla}

  4. "Yeah, well, I don't want to be teaching you right from wrong when you're 30, so I'm getting it out of the way now."

    Quote of the Day.



  5. I'm glad somebody liked it. Kane didn't seem to be impressed. :)

  6. "I'm glad somebody liked it. Kane didn't seem to be impressed. :)"

    They never are, but it doesn't matter. It does eventually sink in.
