Thursday, February 11, 2010

Overheard in a bar . . .

. . . . down the street from the Illinois Capitol in Springfield:

Veteran Politico: "Okay, tell me how you win Mcdonald. How do you lay out the argument that wins Mcdonald for you?"
Chicago City Attorney: "Honestly? I don't see any way."

Hearing a Chicago attorney admit they're likely to lose McDonald v. Chicago in a big way is like hearing your wife say she loves you. Sure, it's nothing new, and maybe she thinks it should go without saying, but it's still nice to hear it out loud.


Unknown said...

With the Court essentially the same as it was a couple years ago, it's practically a given that you'll win.

My question is how long will the pendulum continue to swing in your direction.

Anonymous said...

Hey mikeb302000 - how long did the pendulum swing your way? Since the sixties? Maybe earlier, depending on one's outlook. By my reckoning, 50 yrs. Ha Ha - enjoy the pasta in Italy.


Unknown said...

Thanks I will.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Don, I stand corrected.
