Our beloved former Governor, His Gubernatorial Highness King George Ryan, is finally in his place.
His place, it nearly goes without saying, is in federal prison with the rest of the felons. Schadenfreude is a terrible thing, it is true, but is it as terrible as knowing that you have committed a whole bunch of crimes and gotten some good people killed in the process?
Well, George says he may be going to prison after being convicted of racketeering by a jury of his peers, "but my conscience is clear." In other words, he claims to feel no remorse. Well, whatever. You don't have to feel sorry as long as you have to do your time, big man.
Thanos SNAP
2 hours ago
Had I been clear headed enough to read your site "before" commenting on my own, I swear I'd have come up with something different but equally clever.
Such is the way of the world with great minds.
a corrupt politician from Illinois...whoo wha a shocker.
one down, many more to go..
Well, I just saw that Gov. Rob B. is on the ropes, too. You guys sound like Louisiana, but with real prosecutors.
Amazing that he's finally in jail... You'd think that it be a warning for the rest of 'em, eh?
What was it that Blago said when he was elected? Oh yeah, "Ending business as usual..."
My ass.
The "Chicago Machine" continues with hiring fraud, kicakbacks, backdoor gun control, etc...
The good thing is that almost nobody, Commie, err Democrat, or Republican likes Blago.
So when is it Daley's turn? Soon, I hope...
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