Rod Blagojevich has been impeached, removed from office, and prohibited from holding any elected office, anywhere in Illinois, ever again. How happy am I?
Well, I'm glad he's gone. That's a good thing. No matter what he and his apologizers try to say, "All the cool kids are doing it" is not a defense. He's still a crook, a liar, and a lizard. He never belonged in office, and we're all better off without him. But . . . .
. . . But he's not the only one. He'll be gone, and we'll still have Richard Daley, Dick Mell, Dick Durbin, Mike Madigan, Alexi Giannoulias, Rahm Emmanuel, Dan Kotowski, and a cast of thousands. These people are crooks, too, and nobody is impeaching them. Hell, Daley once shut down an airport in Chicago in open defiance of a court order, by sending in bulldozers in the middle of the night to rip giant X's out of the runways . . . and he's still there. Nobody even tried to get rid of him.
. . . But he's a crook being impeached by a bunch of other crooks. Hearing Emil Jones, Tom Kotowski and all the rest vote "yes" to affirm the articles of impeachment really brought that home all over again. This is like having the Joker kidnapped and tied up by the Penguin and Killer Croc. Sure, it's nice to know we won't be gunned down by weirdos in clown masks for awhile, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten how sick I am of dodging umbrella-bombs and walking the long way around manhole covers.
So, yeah, thanks for getting rid of Rod Blagojevich . . . but would the last honest politician in Illinois turn out the light before you go?
Everybody's Memeing for the Weekend...
3 hours ago
As a state employee who was laid of less than six months into his first administration and not being able to get a state position for 2.5 years because I wouldn't play the pay-to-play game. (I probably got approved for re-hire because Blago or his staff had realized that they were under investigation. All hires still required approval from the governor) I am overjoyed to see Rod removed. Now maybe we'll have a governor with some sense that can get the state government operating on an even keel again.
Pat Quinn needs to go to work and investigate corruption from the top down instead of sending the Investigator General after the small fry in the rank and file.
That's Inspector General oops
I'm celebrating tonight, too. Blago should have been removed long ago for malicious incompetence, if for no other reason. I've heard for years from state employees about "goings on" that they were afraid to report out of fear of repercussion. Good Riddance!!
Richard Daley should be drawn and quartered for what he did to Meigs Field.
BRANDON +1 1/2 - the knife for quartering must be rusty and dull.
I am hoping (there's that word again) that the people will get involved and finally vote the bastards out. It may be starting up here because for the first time in memory there is a full slate of candidates running for County board here and for our village elections in April. Now it is up to us to ask questions and Vote!!!!
Brandon and farmist...
And make it slooooooow!
I agree, but that's the whole point--he won't be. Nothing is going to happen to Daley unless there's a sea change coming that I haven't been able to imagine.
The difference between Daley and Blagojevich is that Daley kept the machine behind him, while Blago alienated the machine. Without it, the kind of arrogance that was standard stuff before simply ends a career.
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